Flash Fiction Saturday ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜‰๐ŸŒŸ

Welcome to Flash Fiction Saturday! This weeks challenge is to write a 50 word flash fiction story, and the theme is anything! I hope you don’t mind me putting this on this site, because my author website hasn’t got any traffic so seems like posting there is a waste of time.


Breezy wind whipped across my face, I lurked beside the brim of the snow coated lake. Shimmers of moonlight rippled off the edge of the water, the land expanded for miles. What is that? The howling wind, gushes of ice as it scrapes against the cabin wood. Am I alone?

50 words

Why don’t you have a go? I’m happy to continue this on psychedelicwizard.org because it has more followers and gets more traffic.

It’s not about garnering likes or comments so please have a go in the comments, because I’d love to see your flash fiction. But if you did like this then why not like and comment and share? Drop links below to your own short stories. โค


Love is on my side

Masculine power, upright tower

your moans of humiliation are no roadblock

on the path of the brave

the soldiers and the knowledge seekers

you don't spit on my tombstone

I see the mirror image of ice translucent memory

love is on my side

I have seen all that there is to see, on the sinside

when the thunder comes raging

and bolts of electric shoot through spring air

you have the air in the ere

grooving night scene

mass multitude machine

you are the barrier beyond the fold

fake Gucci handbags and laced down bottom ups

sounds like a load of quarks 

Inside ~ Do you know?

If there was ever a stranger place on earth or in heaven than the human mind, let it be known.

Humans for centuries have strived for development of individuals and society as a collective. Building vast empires and civilisations which flourish for many decades, even centuries. But, they all come crashing down. The most excellent of cultures, like Egypt, like the Aztecs, are washed away… seemingly to be found thousands of years later as relics and remnants of a history long gone. What of the tales of Alexandria, or the library that burned down? What of the ancient knowledge that these civilisations possessed. Where has all that information gone?

You won’t be surprised to know, that the majority of it will be suppressed, locked away in decaying ancient vaults, never to see daylight again. Select people on the other hand, are aware of what information is contained within, and with such, have literally moved human consciousness and evolution to suit their own agenda. Do you know the real reason Pharaohs had all the power whilst the majority slaved away to build the pyramids. Information and knowledge that would change mankind instantly is otherwise held or destroyed… why? What could it be that they do not want us to know about? Aliens and secret space races visiting earth, developing nations for thousands of years, to then destroy them when they no longer suit their masters needs.

That is all external. What counts is what is on the inside. What do you know about yourself? Do you like to read about ancient stargates? Perhaps you are interested in alien human genetic modification and hybridizations programs. What about the idea that an evil occult group runs and owns all the elite royal families and presidencies and celebrities in the world? Does any of it sounds plausible?

Inside an ear

You can see literally what is inside, that is, ‘inside the ear’ from the above diagram. You know you have a heart and brain and you might not give thought to autonomous processes or even to your own feelings and emotions. If you ever feel ‘hurt’ when someone upsets you, ask yourself, why. Where does that hurt come from, where does the pain and trauma form or manifest. Is it mere fragments of an illusion? The illusion being your own existence, on the path to reunite as the source of all things. You created this life, literally shaping the world around you, and no… it is not magic.

The ear diagram shows us that there is 3 parts, although not labelled. There is the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. When you get to the inner ear, you are in the labyrinth. Did you see that movie Pan’s Labyrinth ? I’ll come onto that in a moment. The point is, that you can see the diagram of the inside of the ear. You know from research and scans, that we have been told that inside the body is the heart and the liver and the kidneys among others. You were told that information, you never sought to understand that, you just assumed you ‘functioned’ since you were born. Unless you were unwell and needed to have scans or invasive surgery in which case, you trust that the ‘doctors’ went ‘inside’ to resolve the issues. You never needed to learn this about yourself and all knowledge came from an external source, whether it be teachers, doctors or whatever.

Contrast that with the ancient civilisations. You might be thinking, ‘looking at the alien picture I already know what he is going to suggest.’ Well, no you don’t. The alien picture above is a symbol in this post. It is a symbol of something being alien, as opposed to an intelligent life form. Carl Jung In 1958 concluded that it was more desirable for humans to believe UFO’s exist than to believe they don’t exist. He also concluded that UFO’s were example of synchronicity, where external events mirror internal psychic states.

“As we know from ancient Egyptian history, they are manifestations of psychic changes which always appear at the end of one Platonic month and at the beginning of another. Apparently they are changes in the constellation of psychic dominants, of the archetypes, or ‘gods’ as they used to be called, which bring about, or accompany, long-lasting transformations of the collective psyche.” 

Carl Jung

Collective psyche is the idea the the human race shares an unconscious collective unconsciousness, which affects the world. Just as we project our emotions, so too do we project our psyche without even realising it. Alchemists used to do the same some centuries ago.

We can see any image we want, and gather information we seek. We do not however imagine that aliens or UFO’s would be the result of psychic changes. People claim that aliens built the pyramids. They also claim millions have been abducted. Manifestations though are significant in understanding what is ‘within’ ourselves. “an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something abstract or theoretical.” Is it possible collectively, the human race has already manifested all it needs to know, or will it continue to bring in new ideas? But just as history teaches us, civilisations get too good, they collapse and they end. Species are wiped from the planet, like the dinosaurs, wiped from the earth by an asteroid, or the great flood, in which Noah had to rescue the animals who otherwise would have been killed alongside the Nephilim.

Being able to guide your own light and life is amazing. Having the strength to build yourself up and make yourself and the world a better place is a fantastic start. But, what do you really know? Do you have clear knowledge of your own body, of your own psyche? Did you ever question anything taken undoubtedly to be true? Sometimes the most engrained of norms in society turn out to be false, to be lies. It is time to start uncovering how you feel, to set aside stereotypes and ideas that no longer belong to you. We can see people already expressing these changes throughout the globe. What do you want to be?

Knowledge, as Indiana Jones says in the Kingdom of the crystal skull, was the treasure or secret or the alien visitors. You see, the bad Soviet lady gets burned to death by the aliens for wanting too much of it. Maybe this film has more important messages for humanity, such as, stop, take a literal look inside and around you and love and enjoy what you have. If ancient Egypt fell apart, for whatever reason, did it reflect their level of understanding of life and the universe? Is stargate worth exploring, ancient stargates, purported to allow humans to literally teleport around the globe. Has the positioning of the pyramids, aligned with Orions belt, got significance?

Coming briefly onto Pans labyrinth, let’s look at the meaning of the words. Pan is firstly a God:

“In ancient Greek religion and mythologyPan  is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs. He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is also recognized as the god of fields, groves, wooded glens and often affiliated with sex; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring. The word panic ultimately derives from the god’s name.”

pasted from wikipedia

Pan is the short of Pansexual, meaning someone who does not see gender when it comes to sex, to put it simply. Pan means all inclusive. It is a popular word used throughout the globe.

Labyrinth, which also means maze:

“In Greek mythology, the Labyrinth  was an elaborate, confusing structure designed and built by the legendary artificer Daedalus for King Minos of Crete at Knossos. Its function was to hold the Minotaur, the monster eventually killed by the hero Theseus. Daedalus had so cunningly made the Labyrinth that he could barely escape it after he built it.”

wikipedia again

In the movie, Pans labyrinth, a faun is found within the labyrinth, literally befriending the girl throughout the movie. We can see from the above that inside the labyrinth is a minotaur, it is a monster, a bad monster. The interesting part is calling it Pans labyrinth. Pan is the God, right? Actually, the faun, is Pan. It is quite literally deceiving the little girl into this dangerous place.

The girl called… rather dubiously, Ofelia. This name… yet again derived from Greek, meaning ‘Help.’ Why call a little girl befriending a monster, stuck with uncaring parents, ‘help’? Minotaurs were also fed children, or small humans. What do you know still? Does the knowledge make you sick or are you interested to know more, so to avoid such ugly movies? Pan, of sexual deviance. Yet, a girl lured into the labyrinth to be ‘Queen’ of the ‘underworld’ ultimately paying the price through death. Pan, the so called ‘help’ of Ofelia, or a mere liar who uses Ofelia, seeking ‘help’ to open the gates to the underworld… hell. Pan is nothing more than Satan. Ofelia is crying out for emotional and physical love, yet she gets Pan, a deviant. She is roped into a deal with Pan, and she is in need of supernatural ‘help’ at that point. I dare not venture into Narnia, which the first creature the little girl sees is a faun… Pan.

Do you know what you think you know? Has your inner most thoughts been changed at some point, or are you still waiting for someone to tell you the truth?

Tidy Box

In the beginning there was nothing
Now there is everything
Rich elitist's in space
Poor people struggling for livable space
Those cold calculated smiles on the bankers face

Shut up!

Stuffed into the box
Straying from the path
Halt! 20mph!
Between the lines
Between the lies
Colouring your mesmerising denial
In paper standard
To inflation
And you need to be thick
Get off your **** and work...