Call of Duty: World War 2 ~ Review!

It’s been roughly 5 years since Call of Duty World War 2 was released. I finally took a chance on a Call of Duty game since I hadn’t played one in years. Considering how popular the series of games has become I was surprised at how little the game actually delivered and it reminded me why I don’t bother with them in the first place. Sorry, this isn’t going to be an entirely positive review as the game blatantly falls short of itself and fails to deliver potentially ambitious content.


It’s based around United States soldier Daniels who is enlisted into the second world war. As a player and someone who wanted to experience world war 2 again in video games I expected that it would take place from 1939 to 1945 – the duration of the second world war. I also expected it to put players into new locations which hadn’t been overdone to death in previous games. I was wrong. The game takes place entirely in 1944 and is told from the point of view of exclusively the Americans. They should have called it, ‘Americans gloat over themselves yet again. For a game set in the second world war there is American, Germany and some French troops and that is all. There are no missions based around the rest of the nations in the war. It is narrow minded.

Alas the disappointment continues, and I’m glad I waited until it was reduced to £15 to buy it. The first mission, wait for it, is the overdone charge onto the beaches of Normandy. Operation Neptune yet again done to death. D-Day landings that players have done before in previous Call of Duty games – notably, World at War which is by far a superior campaign inn every respect.

We’re charging familiar trenches, with improved weapons graphics and sounds being the only highlight. The animations and cut scenes make it feel like a movie yet it still falls short of its competitor Battlefield One, which also released in 2017. With so many cutscenes and animations it was distracting from the gameplay. I want to play the game not watch a very poorly scripted movie. Some of the dialogue is believable but overall I don’t care about these people as much as I care about playing new locations.

The most original campaign mission was set in France in which you had to infiltrate a Nazi base and exchange briefcases with a betraying Nazi. It was different, and combined stealth in the first half of the mission – which was easy – with action in the second half as the French revolution rise up and take back the streets around the building and along the Seine. It could have provided so much more though, and like previous missions it didn’t take advantage of this unique mission by expanding on it. All the missions were short played as well, with some literally ending after a 10 minute gunfight.

The missions and game following this were underwhelming and despite wanting to enjoy it I finished the game feeling robbed of time and effort. They put more effort into the cutscenes than making a decent, playable video game. Not to mention that in some missions, pressing one button did something completely different to what was intended. This ruins the experience and is evident of an incomplete and unpolished game.

If they had taken the time to research world war 2 and see who and what and where things took place then we might have had a game based in world war 2… This game doesn’t expand on anything, and doesn’t even explore the war in full, sticking to the 1944 timeline with already overdone locations and missions. The end mission was a slap in the face. It was short lived thankfully, and I finished it in roughly 8 hours, literally over the space of 2 days after buying it.

I don’t think they did the war justice. Call of Duty World at War (2008) is much better and if you can look past the older graphics I implore you to try that game if you haven’t. As I discovered recently after reinstalling it on my Xbox One, people still play that game, and there even appeared to be more people online over there than in this newer World War 2 game!

Verdict: Guilty of screwing the gaming community over with a w*** fest of American propaganda… again. My rating is extremely generous and takes into account improves weapons and animations.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Nazi Zombies (2 maps included with base game)

This was one of the main reasons I bought the game. I replayed the World at War zombies mode again recently (der riese) which still has players on, and found myself wanting a fresh new experience. Thankfully, the game delivered what I consider to be one of the best zombie maps in the Call of Duty franchise.

Getting rid of a lot of the cartoony/childish looks from the Black Ops zombies and going back to what appears to be a root/original look to the zombies, the map ‘The Final Reich’ comes across as scary, exciting, fun and rewarding. The improved zombies graphics and improved gore system make the undead very frightening indeed.

We don’t have the typical defend the map and block windows tactic, instead Activision have innovated and following a quest based zombie mode. You start in the same manner as previous zombie maps, in one location, and through unlocking doors and exploring you encounter new areas and new zombies! You are tasked throughout with following and completing various tasks in order to unlock the secrets of the map and beat the bad Nazi behind this. Taunted by Dr. Straub throughout you find yourself working for a common goal, which binds the players in a way that hasn’t been done before.

The town of Mittleburg is a real location and is the location of the map. Based on real history of the salt mines in the town, the game builds fiction and history together to make us feel like we’re part of something bigger. Exploring the mines soon reveals art – hidden by the Nazis – and more deadly, paranormal secrets tying into the storyline of the dark aether. A great return to roots, this map is worth playing.

Another, smaller map called Groesten Haus is available to play and ironically means ‘big house’. It’s the smallest zombies map ever. But the aesthetic, feel and playability make it enjoyable. Thank god that they removed the stupid glow up eyes of the undead because it looked ridiculous.

Activision I hope that these maps are going to be inspiring future maps because they are great. You nailed it with The Final Reich. Something else they have done and have repeated here is using actual actors for the characters; David Tenant, Ving Rhames etc. There are people on these games but a lot quit early which ruins it for other players. Despite having the game less than a week I think this is my favourite map. Although I haven’t played them all, because a lot look rubbish.

There is a further 3 maps which you have to buy separately in order to finish discovering the secrets of the Emperor. This is not good, and I believe they should be included with the base game, considering that you charge upward of £60 brand new. Charging for extra content is greedy.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Dead Island: Definitive Edition – A Review

It’s about time I reviewed the lengthy and worthwhile video game that is Dead Island. It was released to what I would call mixed reviews. Particularly given the gruesome and controversial trailer that showed a family torn apart by zombies before jumping from the balcony of a massive hotel.

The expectation was a linear zombie apocalypse game in the luxurious Banoi resort. It was good looking graphically. Today players can indulge in the upgraded Definitive Edition which helps bolster graphics for modern consoles among other improvements. What we got in return wasn’t quite to peoples expectations – including my own – about the games narrative and structure. Ultimately proving to be a very long game with over 30 hours gameplay in game, easily.

What this meant was the resort area of the game, looking quite exotic, was only one map in what would turn out to be several huge maps. Don’t get me wrong this was a hidden surprise which I thought made the game more enjoyable. As I played I did become bored and at the time didn’t enjoy the story and found it long, boring and too much effort.

It wasn’t until years later after its initial release in 2011 that I played the game, and really enjoyed it. I think my naïve attitude during my initial playthrough was going into it with certain expectations rather than just exploring and enjoying what happened next. Those playthroughs years later allowed me to better understand the story, the characters and ultimately enjoy the game for what it was – essentially quite a big open world, with many possibilities.

In 2015 Dying Light was introduced which took many ideas, themes, weaponry etc from Dead Island and built an entire game which was enjoyable. However, it doesn’t have a nice looking world, being set in the slums. Dead Island does have a nice looking world which made the game all the more enjoyable.

I would liked to have seen more interesting side events or side missions in the game – Dead Island – because once an area had been completed and you have helped all the survivors, then you are pretty much seeing the same things over and over again. But, the innovative weapon crafting and management system make the game fun, with thousands of weapons combinations and creations available to you. This made the zombie killing a lot of fun.

The game also boasts a fantastic zombie gore system, each kill will be different. The weapon you choose impacts the damage to the undead. For example, using a machete can decapitate a zombie or cut its arms off, whereas an electric baton will literally electrocute them. I hadn’t seen this sort of thing in Xbox games before, nor had I seen it in any zombies games. Now though, the disintegration of zombies is a part of big names like Dying Light and of course Dead Island 2 – recently released.

Playing through the campaign solo is a lot of fund, with a lot of world to explore and a lot of people and zombies to kill. In unique ways. However, I played the entire campaign with a friend a few years ago and the experience is a lot better. This is a fantastic game to play coop. I encourage you to do so with a friend so that both of you can enjoy the experience together. You can also benefit from having a teammate revive you during those difficult missions. Get a buddy!

Overall the game is good, despite my initial reactions. Perhaps everyone needs time to adjust to something, or maybe it was just such a good game that I needed time to appreciate it. I think this is the case. I would say it turned out to be one of the better games of the decade, and one of the best zombie apocalypse games to grace consoles.. I am extremely excited to play Dead Island 2, although at £60 I will wait until it is reduced or on sale!

5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Horror; great atmosphere, haunting, scary, challenging.

Visually: holds up well, good animation, good movements, lovely world textures.

Story; well-developed, thought provoking, intriguing, sustained and innovative.

Dead Island (2011) Ryder White Campaign

I decided to turn my Xbox one on the other day as I hadn’t played it for a while, and fearing that I’d be swept into the abyss that is nostalgia, I riskily loaded up the downloaded version of Dead Island: Definitive Edition. I enjoyed playing it originally on the Xbox 360 back in 2011 and onward, and spent many hours replaying it because a) it is a huge game both in scale and storyline b) I loved it. You don’t find games like this, with the exception of Dying Light, anymore. Both Dead Island and Dying Light were created by Techland, although some might argue Dead Island was a split effort.

When I got the Xbox one in 2017 and played Dying Light, my 3rd game on that console, I was immediately impressed. However it didn’t have the glitz and glamour of the luxurious tropical island that we saw in Dead Island. When the campaign in Dead Island was over I was keen to explore more, so went and bought Dead Island Riptide I think sometime late 2017, but am not sure. I enjoyed it. The other day however, I found that the ultimate edition includes the Ryder White campaign which was a great surprise for me! I don’t remember playing this but recall watching YouTube videos. So I began to play.

Anyone familiar with the game will know the island is split into big sections, all accessed as individual segments, and all massive. Ryder White campaign started in the run down slums of the city of Moresby. The storyline so far has been more military focused with more guns which is great. Don’t go dump on the graphics based on the below picture. The game still stands up as being well made, great graphic, storyline, and characters. You know, this is what gaming should be. I think it is time I go and buy the new Dying Light 2, since Dead Island 2 never materialised and the trailer released in 2014… FML.

A part of me doesn’t want to go back on the console, since it just brings me to a state of mind where I feel good. That might sound strange, but if I nurture that, then I’ll be on it as a result because I feel good. You feel me? Yes. I try to keep gaming in the evening so that I am not stuck on it all day. I think my childhood game days are long gone, so are the gaming days of my early 20s, which I don’t regret. They never took up that much time anyway. Always at night!

After the disappointment that was Back 4 Blood, which I couldn’t be bothered to go back and play since December (not kidding) I don’t think I’ll review it either, I’ll probs rest my feeble hopes on Dying Light 2 after the surprise campaign on Dead Island. If I knew how I’d upload myself playing… but I don’t!

Resident Evil: Biohazard

One of the most horrifying, brilliant and intriguing games of the 21st century. The sequel, resident evil: village, number 8 in the series, has just released.

Resident evil 7: Biohazard was released 24th January 2017. I had seen many videos at the time, and waited until around June 2018 to buy and play it. An unforgettable first person survival horror video game that is in my opinion, one of the best resident evil games ever made and the best survival horror game I have ever played in the last 10 years. 2017 was a great year for this type of experience, with only Outlast 2 rivalling the success.

“The player controls Ethan Winters as he searches for his wife in a derelict plantation occupied by an infected family, solving puzzles and fighting enemies. It is the first main series game to use a first-person view. Resident Evil 7 is the first full-length game to use Capcom’s in-house RE Engine. “

Graphically this game is top notch, the re engine really stands out and is unique in so many way. It actually pays attention to details and the environment and characters movements and interactions are stunningly realistic. Sound effects and music are generally used to good affect as well.

I completed the game in a little over 10 hours. According to my save game data. I have also just started to play it again, so that the story is fresh in my mind for when I get a chance to play Resident Evil: Village. The stories of the two games are intrinsically linked.

So, here we have a simple premise: husband goes looking for wife who has been missing 3 years. She has sent a recording to his computer supposedly stating she is alive. Ethan is determined to rescue Mia and sets off to a beautiful Louisiana. We get a brief cutscene at the beginning of the game highlighting the vast empty wilderness that Ethan is trekking into. Personally, I love this kind of setting and wouldn’t mind living there myself.

Ethan turns up at a huge plantation mansion, which at first appears one building, but as you progress you quickly realise that the sets and the game are taking place in multiple building and massive gaming areas. They are linked together in a way that would allow you to explore multiple areas without having to ‘load’ into them. Again, this is the resident evil team, they have the money to build massive, detailed worlds, yet still retain that claustrophobic nightmare of not being able to leave. You can’t leave, and the only way to truly escape seems to be to rescue Mia and kill the entirety of the psychotic and infected Baker family.

Infected with what? Mystery abound as the first hour of gameplay is simple jump scares and some fighting. It is only when the mold creatures turn up that I truly began to feel fear. I mean the family is scary and the characters brilliantly acted and designed…but when you are in a dark room and mold creatures are morphing through walls I guarantee that you won’t be able to run quick enough. Another scary feature of this game, you can run, but extremely slowly, barely being able to escape. This is by design, and makes the game a survival horror, where stealth, patience and a little brain work to figure out the puzzles is required.

Inventory management is the best I have seen in the resident evil games. Some original concepts remain, like the herb healing plant and the ability to combine objects together. Ammunition is in good supply (normal mode) along with a variety of keys and puzzles that make completing some of the smaller objectives fun and interesting, rather than running around shooting everything.

The game is essential a movie, you meet the psychotic family members and one by one you face them off and destroy – or attempt to destroy them. I spent a lot of time trying to kill the first “boss” Jack Baker. A seemingly immortal man who continues to return during your early time in the house. All the time we are getting information from his daughter Zoe, who seems to be wanting to help Ethan by way of irregular telephone calls. Mia, on the other hand, continues to show up whilst the Baker family continue to try and keep her hostage.

The story and game have you complete mini tasks and work through the story finding Mia, getting help from Zoe and all the while wondering who the enigmatic Evelyn is. The Baker family provide the bosses, as mentioned Jack Baker is the first “boss” and one that just doesn’t want to die, with 2 fights against him plus plenty of chase time in the house. The closer you get to Mia, the more tasks appear, and again, the boss fight.

All of this culminates into a fascinating gaming experience which allows the player to experience true fear and excitement as they battle and sneak their way through one of the most disturbing games I have ever seen! When you are against a giant spider lady who is giving birth to giant insects, you can’t help but think, ‘God help me.’

So, Ethan, trying to rescue Mia, is being drawn further into the story of Evelyn, the mold creatures and the whole situation with the Baker family. This is one hell of a creepy experience. The developers acknowledge that this game is petrifying and have openly stated that resident evil: village has been toned down, to allow people to get through the levels without ******** themselves.

I felt a sense of achievement and connection to both Ethan and the game. I wanted him to succeed and for the story to end on a positive note. He is a brave mane. The ending, extremely bizarre. All the dark sets, boss battles and shaking hands have led to a final mission to finally escape. Escape is not easy.

Give this game a try. Bonus: This game supports virtual reality headsets! I will be honest, I was terrified with a headset, so no chance will I be doing VR!

The second playthrough has reminded me has awesome this experience was. I bought the game second hand and I do not regret it. The developers and everyone involved deserve a pat on the back for this occult(ish) nightmare!

( I am genuinely interested in Resident Evil: Village for the xbox one, however, I won’t be playing it until it has gone down in price.)

RATING: 5 stars

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Dead Rising 4

Dead Rising 4, Xbox one game review.

“Dead Rising 4 is an action-adventure video game developed by Capcom Vancouver and published by Microsoft Studios for Xbox One. It is the fourth installment in the Dead Rising series. It was announced at Microsoft’s E3 2016 press conference on June 13, 2016. It features the return of Frank West, and is set in a Christmas-themed Willamette, Colorado. Released on 6th December 2016.”

7/10 from Gamespot & 74 from Metacritic. Trailer:

I bought this game in April 2019, last year. I played and completed the game within a week, not kidding. I spent a lot of time on it, working through the missions, without really exploring the map, any challenges or special locations. What I experienced was a fun, stay-at-home game that I overall enjoyed. It is a return for character Frank and the idea to set the game at Christmas with snow was really good, and added a lovable dimension to the theme, not seen before in any other zombie games.

It was however a short campaign and after completing it, I went back to the game for a few more weeks and then didn’t touch it again. I am however going to play it later on, briefly. The lack of missions and short game play really disappointed me. But, there were no cases with timelines and the save system worked well (compared to the original Dead Rising). This addition felt like it lacked substance, and ultimately you are left with a game in which you endlessly make weapons, kill zombies and then…repeat until you get bored.

Graphically the play through was solid, with one or two glitches in the game that were fairly easy to tolerate. Frank has a different look, is more cocky than ever and can take selfies with his camera – a welcome addition. The return to Willamette was fun, being able to explore the whole town this time, even if it is a small place. I just hope that the next game – Dead Rising 5 – brings us to a new, long campaigned, less mindless zombie killing fun.

Highlights of the game – Great vehicles, weapon combos, fun voice acting, interesting locations and graphics.

Downsides – Repetitive, short campaign, too many zombies, need to use multiplayer to really have fun.

I think the game tries too hard, working and thriving in few areas instead of overall. If the game was longer, bigger and less about mind numbing zombie slaughter, then I think I’d recommend it to fans of the first.

My Score: 3.5 / 5





Fancy an extreme zombie survival experience, looking for a game with good weapons and realistic play? Look no further than Zombi, an extremely well made horror game that gives a hard line approach to life after the apocalypse.

You begin the game, lost in London and directed by a survivalist known as the prepper, a man on the other end of a radio guiding and keeping you safe throughout. The very first moment the game loads up you know you are in for a ride. You can select normal or chicken mode or hard mode. In hard mode you cannot come back once you die, in the other modes you can, and each time you re spawn as a new character. That could be a police man, an office manager, a plumber, a seemingly endless amount of characters actually makes you bond with yours, as I did, I didn’t want my super personal character to die! After completing the game I attempted numerous times to survive on hard mode, with disastrous results. I got very far into the game and then bang, killed. Take the advice and play normal or chicken just to adapt to the very harsh reality of the game, that it is extremely difficult.

Once you have played the brief introduction and escaped the zombies and run to the safe house, you will be established and ready. The prepper, who set up the base in the London tube station, tells you to fix the electric and gather your only guaranteed weapon, a baseball bat and collect your bug out bag, coming in varying sizes throughout the game. Already the realism is insane, stuck in a tub station, with a small bed and a crate which you can store things and CCTV monitors which guide you to your new mission.

Anyone expecting fantastic graphics and insane melee combat shouldn’t play the game with high expectations in those areas. The constant hitting with the baseball bat becomes annoying but also adds to the tension. Instead, to bring the fun out in London, try looting and scanning with your pad to find pistols, rifles and automatic weapons, but be wary, ammo is sacred.

Close combat is a no no, the game is always going to win when you run into a group of 3 or more zombies with nothing more than a nearly empty pistol and no chocolate bar or med kit. The zombies are ridiculously strong and can kill you in two to three hits if not careful. This makes it a game which requires a careful approach, a planned one.

Missions are better than I expected and scary. They take part in the back streets of London to the well known locations such as Buckingham palace and Tower of London. Getting there is no easy task, keep it light and only carry the bare minimum when travelling long distances. If you are lucky you can find a sewer entrance and fast travel back to base if you get surrounded, don’t rely on this or safe houses however, because the zombies are faster than you think. Survivors are very few and extremely rare, they only appear in the actual missions themselves and make it feel like the world really has ended. After all, what is the apocalypse if it is full of people? Instead, these people have goals and missions and aren’t wandering without purpose as is the case in many other games.

As the game progresses and you unlock more weapons, some of the killing gets easier, some of the travelling gets easier especially as you scan more remote CCTV boxes, which are linked to your safe house monitors. During the game, there are notes, there are recording and other collectibles which themselves hide a story and revelations.

It’s difficult and it’s annoying when you keep dying and coming back as a new character, but that is also a driving force. It is realistic and extremely tense. The lighting is dark throughout and in some areas you cannot see at all without your limited battery torch. All these things make it a fun and re-playable game. I will go back to it because the atmosphere and story line are brilliant.

This game is worth 4/5


The Walking Dead 2018

The Walking Dead, a series that has been crying out for a decent playable game on the Xbox and PS4 is finally getting that. Having just heard myself, I checked out the website above and indeed it seems a brilliant game may be here sooner than anticipated.

It can only be speculation for now, but I would like to see a game that has a unique take and unique characters. It is set in Washington DC, that conjures up images of vast city streets paved with zombies and fortified white houses.

Weapons should hopefully include things like rifles and perhaps explosives.

This is a brief post as I am hoping people can comment and shed some light on the development of this game. It is certainly one I look forward to. Although the trailer has some superb graphics, there will always be a downgrade for the game itself, so don’t expect it like that, but expect it better than the previous attempts such as the Telltale series, which lacked considerable any sort of play ability.

Dying Light

An Xbox one game, especially the zombie type, should be awe inspiring and never ending in the games ability to let you kill zombies however you want. After a long look at previous games, endless hours of game play and a few months to dwell on it, I have come to the conclusion that Dying Light on Xbox One, is the best zombie game made up to now for the console and possible the best ever, unless of course they bring a sequel out, which fans would certainly be interested in.

From the very beginning this game shows off an impressive visual and highly detailed graphics system. It was very detailed and there were, at least when I looked, no glitches or bugs that affected it visually. It flowed well, frame rate was and is still very stable for a fast paced game. It is open world, it is up to the player to complete the missions or explore. There are hours of game play in the well thought out and long campaign, which sees players battling Rais and his men. Or endless hours exploring and completing side quests and challenges. However, when you complete the story mode, you still have the option to play open world after, which really makes this game brilliant and different from other zombie games. There are additional bounties to complete and many more challenges and random strangers to meet, all the while wielding almost anything you want to.

Weapon customisation is by far the most impressive element, it further develops on the customisation available in other games by allowing multiple combinations and upgrades to achieve a truly bad ass weapon. Try electrifying a sword and adding acid to it, oh, and throw in extra damage and you have yourself a decapitating machine. A downside is that weapons can be fixed a limited number of times and once repaired to the max, will eventually break and then it’s time to scavenge for new parts to build another. Just the mere act of looting for parts to build a weapon is a driving force in the game.

The zombies, okay, now the slow moving zombies are brilliant and you can easily get overrun if you don’t look carefully. Then there are a nice mixture of fast moving, running and even sprinting zombies which add nicely to the intense horror. One word of caution, at night, these beasts become terrifying and there are the nighttime creatures which are capable of jumping building to building, so beware.

The map Slums, is big, there are plenty of buildings to enjoy the free running element on, and enough room that you could spend hours exploring and then do the same on the second map, the Old Town. The developers did the right thing by incorporating two maps, and personally I enjoyed the landscape and architecture within both. The NPCs make it more personal, each safe zone usually has someone there and in the bigger bases you will find people going about their post apocalyptic lives. It adds to the sense of survival and realism. They could have added more missions after the campaign that focused on resource gathering for these groups, which would have made it seem like they actually needed things.

Great game, intense free running, big maps and loads of customisations and zombies make the replay ability of it comparable to Left 4 Dead.

Overall: 4.5/5


Best Zombie Survival Games

It’s the one genre of gaming that everyone loves, I know it’s one of those types of games that will definitely lack on graphics and maybe character movement, but will make up for it in story line and in game action. The main things a good zombie game will have are: weapons – in particular, huge guns, heavy swords and axes and golf clubs. Without them, the game isn’t anything more than strategy, and probably won’t even have zombies. These games are ones I’ve played, and so the list isn’t reflective on the amount of games available.

1) Left 4 Dead : 1 & 2

The most intense survival games with zombies, the games stick to a basic system, get from a to b with a few set backs along the way. All you have is 3 teammates, a health pack and a weapon and flashlight. This entire game is focused clearly on teamwork, without it, you won’t last 5 minutes in a horde. The player revive system is great too, rather than players dying, they are simply incapacitated until another player can revive them. The addition of the special infected – the hunter, smoker, boomer, witch and tank make for a terrifically terrifying game. The second game sees the addition of the jockey, the charger, the spitter and a female boomer, taking the game to a whole new level, with larger maps and more zombies than the first. The games are re-playable, and the online is where most players are nowadays, enjoying the ability to join a session, grab a gun and start shooting. It’s easy and fun, making them the best out of the lot.

2) Dead Island

The clear highlight of this awesome game is the massive campaign and huge maps, coupled with an amazing in game weapon customization system – no doubt copied from dead rising. The huge amount of side quests will see you exploring a massive island battling some very difficult dead, and special infected. The impressive graphics and player interactivity make it one of the most ambitious games to ever launch. You want to just kill zombies all day long? No problem, because it is essentially a free to roam game and there is no obligation to complete the missions. But in order to unlock other parts of the island, you need to complete them. Team up online for a more intense experience.

3) Dead Rising

The series with a great story, you play someone who is dropped in a mall, and whom decided to investigate the zombie outbreak. The cut scenes and amount of zombies is baffling, making it very difficult to survive. The major downside to this game, was the fact that if you died, you had to start the game from the beginning. This was the worst feature of a game ever, and it essentially meant you had to play the entire game in one sitting to get it done, if you ever did. But the fun of exploring and dressing up and using every object as a weapon was huge fun, and spawned a further 3 games, with improvements to the saving system.

4) State Of Decay

The game that really brought the zombie apocalypse alive, it has an amazingly simple campaign, base building, survivor recruitment, and a sophisticated player interactive menu and skill building. It really does cover everything, but as with all things good, the downside was the lack of freedom in base building and play ability, being limited to exploring and scavenging a limited resources map. The game has special infected and a hard to survive map. It is one of those games where hiding in a bush is better than running, because you can quickly run out of stamina, and without snacks, you are dead, never to return. If the sequel – state of decay 2 – incorporates the elements of the first and expands on them, rather than removing them, then the game will meet good reviews.


Do you have any game ideas you would like to see in a game? I’m sure you do, because I have so many I’d be struggling to fit them all in! Please leave a comment and let me know!

10 Awesome Games Worth Playing

Welcome gaming enthusiasts, new and experienced alike! Today, I hope to post some really interesting games that I personally recommend to anyone who has the capability to play them. Luckily, I have had access to many games, over many years. No, I am not someone who plays them everyday, but I have enough experience to be able to tell a good game from a terrible game. It’s easy to name newer franchises, but for the sake of keeping it real I’ll be mentioning some old school classics, some of which provided the very nostalgic playground for many teens during the early 21st century. So, here it goes, let’s count down:

10) The Saboteur

An absolutely terrific alternative to the popular grand theft auto series! This one off game essentially gives players an open world map set in Nazi occupied France during world war 2. Players complete the campaign in their own time and can spend the rest of it blowing up guard towers, stealthily killing Nazi generals, and fighting with the resistance to take back Paris. Side quests can be completed and there is a wide choice of military style weapons including snipers and pistols. Players can also buy vehicles or hijack one off the street, return it to their garage and essentially pimp it out. The player can free run across buildings and climb like a ninja, much in the style of assassins creed. So check it out!

9) Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare 2

This call of duty deserves mentioning, because it is one of the best in the series, and there won’t be anything like this one again. The campaign is certainly one of the more adventurous of the series and can be played over and over without becoming bored, I’ve done it. The online gaming is where the best game play is at, and players have literally hundreds of weapon customization’s and camouflages available to them once they complete the challenges. It’s the kill streak rewards that make it so enjoyable, being able to call in harrier strikes and nuclear bombs was a step in the right direction. Shame the series went downhill after this.

8) Call Of Duty : World At War

This game stands out with such awesomeness! It was amazing how the design team managed to create such realistic graphics and detailed maps, and awesome character movement. The highlight of this game is the Nazi zombies, the very first map was on this game, and it was fantastic, had all the things you could want. Sadly, the Nazi zombies also went downhill after this game. It offers a challenge and I’d say the campaign is more difficult than it’s follow up. Tag that in with the awesome online, battling in the infamous Reich headquarters or Banzai is certainly something!

7) Grand Theft Auto 4

The game was a giant leap forward for Rockstar developers and the game superseded its predecessors with ease. The game map was huge and fans were somewhat blown away at the time of its release. Although GTA 5 had more roaming land than GTA 4, the game at the time was the landmark in gaming. Nico was the Russian who came to the land of the free, and also a very entertaining character, along with his cousin Roman and steroid pumping friend Brucie. The wide variety of missions and constantly changing environment allow the players to immerse themselves fully in the game without becoming tied down or bored.

6) Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City

The resident evil series is huge and has millions of fans. This little gem for me was one of the series best games, despite the fact it was less mainstream than say resident evil 5. Rather than having the usual awkward controls it went back to easy controls so to speak. The game has some strong graphics, a solid campaign that is not so easy, and also artificial intelligence team mates! Yes, rather than battling the dead alone, you get help, and that is what made it so extraordinary.

5) Conflict Desert Storm : 1 & 2

The games that really brought the gaming experience to life for me were these two, released for the original Xbox. Set during the Iraq war, the game pits players in a team of 4 – you being anyone of them – against dozens of enemies as you battle your way through missions and then to the LZ. The best part of these is that you could switch characters, have them cover you and then switch back, along with having the ability to give commands, which was just simply awesome! The stealth required on certain levels was hard, and the added feature of enemy tanks made it all too difficult sometimes, but hey, that’s gaming for you!

4) Dead Island

An action/adventure zombie survival game that sets you on an exotic island during the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. The game had huge publicity before its release but didn’t really live up to the hype. It is however, a brilliant and huge game. The mission side of it is astoundingly massive, with something like 50 or 60 main missions and tons of side quests. Creating custom weapons and being able to drive make the game fun, especially when running down a horde or two! There a different areas on the island and to access them the player must complete missions. This is a fantastic way to put more in a game, by splitting the sections up. The jungle is particularly grueling, so beware!

3) Driver 3

Another classic by Atari for the original Xbox worth mentioning. The game was the equivalent to grand theft auto, but in my eyes, it was better! You played a cop in south beach Miami, undertaking missions and travelling to Nice and Istanbul as you work your way through the story. Free mode allowed players to select one of 3 maps, choose a car, and then unleash chaos! The freedom of the game allowed players to do as they please, along with the option to take part in the in game mini games, and also record their drives – a feature that was revolutionary in gaming.

2) Tropico 4

The city building game in the Caribbean, where anyone can be anything and do anything! Want to be a master of the economy? The buildings and interactive side of the game are a bundle of joy and provide hundreds if not thousands of hours of game play. Build your city and provide for your people, how hard can it be? Very hard, especially when there is rebels and tsunamis to deal with, not to mention the foreign powers and military coups!

1) Left 4 Dead

Valve ambitiously released this legendary game to great success. The game pits players in third person with 3 team mates against the dead, in point to point focused campaign missions. It went back to basics, grab a gun and shoot the dead. No fancy interaction and no overly complicated story lines, just good old fashioned run and shoot. You can choose your character, Bill, Louis, Francis or Zoey, and choose your weapons, but don’t forget your health pack! The game introduced the special zombies, the boomer, the hunter and the smoker with the addition of the witch! These features left players playing campaigns over and over and with the awesome ability to play as the special infected, it really went up and over the expectations gaming enthusiasts had. This is one that people can come back to anytime, anywhere, because it never gets old.